Sunday, September 20, 2009


Isn't always a bad thing...

So my mommy is SICK and sniffly which means, all my plans for the day have kind have been kicked to the curb like sunshine in December.


Well, so I spent the first part of my morning sort of depressed about the whole affair...staring out of my mom's bedroom window like I'd lost my best friend...

Then, suddenly, I realized that I got my morning walk, my yummy didleumptious breakfast, play time with Macie, and a treat to top it off. And it was only 8:30 AM...

In other words, every single thing I could need or want had been provided for me, but I chose to grunt and groan about not getting to go the beach or park or a 14 hour walk (see yesterday's post) until I finally decided to let it go.

That was at about 10 AM.

At that point I learned something. When your plans don't play out the way that YOU MADE A DECISION they would...then MAKE ANOTHER DECISION-to enjoy your day anyway and to be grateful for what you HAVE been given.

Generally, what you HAVE been given, is every bit as good as what you planned.


And anyway, when Mommy is sick that just means more cuddle time for me!!! Woot Woot.

Just for Today: When the day turns out like "sour milk," remember that you might get gourmet cheese:)


  1. I wonder that Sammy speaks more truth than many of the humans he'll be talking about. Sammy is a boy--right? Or Samantha? Well, put it this way, does he bark in low, or high pitch?

    And hey, I'm not meaning to be rude or anything, not in the slightest...OK? I love EVERYBODY--even Sammy! Really!

  2. We hope your mum feels well soon, we are sure your cuddles are helping loads.

    Holly & Zac...XX

  3. ha..steve. you are soo funny.
    she is samantha sam and a girl..she is SUPER smart..and just ejoyed her late night snack:)
    just coming out of the sickness..back tomorrow.
