Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy, Happy New Year from Sam the Sober Pup
I am hanging with my momma and eating treats and stuff.

I wish you all a happy year
with lists of gratitude
With hugs and treats and all those neats
And loved ones even too.

I gnaw my bone to happiness
and health and human kind

For peace and love
and a warm fuzzy hug
when you are feeling blue.

Yes, happy, happy New Year
to you and you and yours,

Thanks for your time in reading my rhyme

I'll be back real soon with more.


  1. Always knew dogs could talk.
    Never knew they could write poetry.

    Guess there's LOTS of things I don't know --grin!

  2. we miss you are you?
    put up a pic of your baby dog too.
